Friday, January 4, 2008

Over Exposed

I am so over all these Journalist who keep telling else about the TERROR and the Threats to US Cites and US citizens. This is just a ploy to get us all scared and to watch their show for ratings!

Why can't these supposely journalist report on important issues than just reporting on all (MAYBE) attacks to us. I could easily walk out in the open and get hit by a bus.

What don't we report more on why we are giving illegal immigrants social security when they are ILLEGAL! The social security is already in trouble and may not be there for the baby boomers who have LEGALLY been paying there taxes for Social Security! What the heck is wrong with the county.

We have so many issue to work on and all the medial cares about is we MIGHT get attacked again. That is like saying the sky could fall on us.

Lets start to talk about the issue that will effect us now not maybe later!

Let's get serious people and look at the real issues with this county!

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